BSc (Hons), DclinPsychol, DipCogTh,
My Credentials
I’ve worked as a fully qualified Clinical Psychologist since 2003, firstly in a variety of NHS posts and more recently for the States of Jersey Health and Social Services. 

I now work exclusively in the private sector, offering my services to both individuals who want to enjoy a more balanced and fulfilling life, and to companies seeking to improve the wellbeing and performance of their executives.
My career has included supervision, consultation and training for a wide range of health professionals; and providing training and clinical placements to University Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programmes.
Born and raised in Staffordshire, I moved to the Channel Islands in 2010. I understand the challenges of living in Jersey - no matter how beautiful our small island may be - and approach my work with the compassion that insight affords me.
Scroll down for my list of full qualifications.

Chartered Clinical Psychologist
BSc (Hons), DclinPsychol, DipCogTh, CPsychol
Advanced Accreditation in Schema Therapy
International Society for Schema Therapy, December 2012 - March 2015
Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Therapy (Dip.Cog.Th)
University of Manchester, 2004 - 2005
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (D.Clin.Psychol)
University of Leeds, 2000 - 2003
Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Single Honours (BSc. Hons)
University of Leeds, 1993 -1996
Professional Employment History
2011 - 2012
Clinical Psychologist in Older Adult, Neuropsychology, Stroke and CAMHS Services
States of Jersey Health and Social Services
2007 - 2011
Clinical Psychologist for adults in secondary care services (Community Mental Health Team)
Manchester Mental Health and Social Care NHS Trust
2005 - 2007
Clinical Psychologist for adults in primary care services
Bolton, Salford and Trafford Mental Health NHS Trust
2004 - 2005
Clinical Psychologist for adults in secondary care services (Early Intervention in Psychosis)
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
2003 - 2004
Clinical Psychologist for adults in secondary care services (Community Mental Health Team)
Bradford District Care NHS Trust
2000 - 2003
Psychologist in Clinical Training
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
1999 - 2000
Assistant Psychologist
Leeds Community and Mental Health NHS Trust