BSc (Hons), DclinPsychol, DipCogTh,

From the outside your life is picture-perfect
You live in a beautiful home in a desirable location. You have all the trappings of success - the car, clothes, holidays. Your children have had an excellent education.
Your career (or your partner's) has elevated you into a level of financial freedom that has offered you a high level of comfort and security.
To others your lifestyle is enviable - you're living the dream.
But it doesn't feel like that to you.
You've worked hard, pursuing your ambitions to create the best life possible for you and your family. You may have reached as far as you can go in your career and feel stuck - or you can't take the relentless pressure anymore and feel at breaking point.
You may have devoted your life to being the perfect wife, mother and have-it-all career woman meeting every demand made of you.
Or being the ideal husband and father yet find yourself trapped in a Catch-22 of not being able to enjoy time with your family because you're so busy providing for them.
Now, in your 40s or 50s, you've hit a wall.
You've sacrificed a lot to get where you are now, without being able to actually enjoy the fruits of your labour.
You're seeking support because you may be experiencing any of these:
Feeling empty and isolated in spite of a busy social life.
Feeling anxious and overwhelmed at work.
High standards and a fear of failure driving you to give too much of yourself.
Lying awake at night worrying or sleeping badly with nightmares.
Suffering panic attacks, mood swings or exhaustion.
Feeling flat and unable to really enjoy life.
Looking after others at the expense of your own needs.
Feeling detached from family life or getting irritable with the kids.
Wherever you are now, you know that something needs to change, because you can't go on feeling or living the way you do now.
What you would love instead is...
Feeling calm and content.
Feeling more connected and supported.
Feeling that you're moving in the right direction.
Feeling a sense of joy and gratitude more frequently.
Finding deeper fulfilment and a renewed sense of purpose.
Slowing down and taking time to enjoy your good fortune.
Feeling that you're enough and you're making the most of life.
Enjoying quality time with friends and family.
Sleeping well at night after a satisfying day.
You don't have to figure this out on your own...
And by now you've realised you can't. You've got to the end of your ability to cope alone and need support to navigate this wall and find a new path beyond.
As a Chartered Clinical Psychologist I am here to help you make lasting change. My years of experience combined with the depth and breadth of my training enables me to understand your unique issues and find the right solution for you.
I'm an advanced accredited Schema Therapist with the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST), and primarily use a Schema Therapy approach at times integrated with Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CBT).
I am one of a very small number of accredited Schema Therapists in Jersey and the Channel Islands.
During our sessions we'll seek to understand the origins of the circumstances that you find yourself in, especially the patterns that have created and maintain them.
In our initial conversation I am more than happy to share more about my approach and the psychology tools I use.
You can also click here to view my full training and qualifications.
I find the most helpful approach is working within containers of six weekly or fortnightly psychology sessions at a time.
We'll begin with an initial assessment over two sessions, allowing us to dig into your history and put together a clearer picture of what's brought you to your present situation.
Over the next four sessions we'll create an in-depth formulation that will inform our journey on guiding you to where you want to be in life, using Schema Therapy and/or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) principles.
We will then renew your six-session containers until we feel your journey is complete. After this, maintenance sessions are available as required.
Whether you are an individual or a company, please get in touch to enquire about my Clinical Psychology services. I would be happy to speak with you about how I can best help, whether you are based in Jersey or further afield.
"Wendy is a caring and knowledgeable guide through the therapy process. She helped me to rediscover what I thought I had lost. I cannot recommend Wendy highly enough."
- J.M, Jersey, Channel Islands